Learn to face your worst fears, and make it out alive. You never know when you might find yourself in the epicenter of a massive explosion, being sucked under waves in icy waters, inhaling the sweaty breath of a t-rex, or plummeting down a deafening waterfall in a capsized canoe. It's best to be prepared for any disaster that might befall. The more obscure, the better. No threat is too minor to be addressed. You can think quickly on your toes in the midst of even the most terrifying calamity. Surging adrenaline propells you to take charge and escape. When everyone else is screaming in panic, you’re cool and composed in the face of danger. You won't even consider joining the body count.
remember: concept is the big idea behind the series, captures the mood, tone, feeling of the series. you should read it and images come to mind. you should be able to give someone your concept statement and they would find just the right images for you...
When I say a bright summer's day what comes to mind? A time of innocence? Or days spent by the creek. or completely different: an island of dread and fury...