Friday, February 25, 2011

Designer's Toolbox

Bookmark it and keep it handy

Useful Typography Tips For Adobe Illustrator

bookmark it, print it do whatever it takes to put this where you can refer to it when using Illustrator.  link



Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bookcovers on behance

visit the book cover collection and appreciate...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

animate your bookcovers

you need to bring your files and I can show you how in class.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

cover, spine, back, flaps, end papers

make it works as a unit something that is 3d that we want to pick up and turn around. by jim tierney

3 different directions

the goal of the project to have three directions that really look and feel and make us feel different. examples by Jim Tierney

Benjamin covers are examples of different IDEAS

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Upcoming Events...

Feb 07:
Hallmark Symposium (Bobby Martin)
Feb 08:
Hallmark, (Wichita, Dallas) prep workshop (2:30 pm room 200)
Feb 13:
Wichita, Hallmark, Dallas prep workshop (2pm room 200)
Feb 15: Hallmark recruiters visit and presentation about internship

Feb 18: Wichita: AIGA portfolio day
Feb 24:
IntroActive, lecture 2
Feb 27: Hallmark and Dallas prep workshop (2pm room 200)
March 01:
Dallas entries due to me by Feb 28 and I can ship it for you.
March 01: Hallmark Internship Application Deadline
March 14:
Timmy Fisher (MK12)
March 24:
IntroActive, lecture 3
March 31 - April 2:
Dallas, National Student Show ($150.00 it is worth it)
Spring xx: AIGA Portfolio Workshop {required $
April xx:
AIGA KC A7: Deadline Call for Entries
April 21: IntroActive, lecture 4
May 11: Sophomore Review
May 12
: KU Senior Show


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day

everything EXCEPT the compound word is due on monday. we need to do that in class but you can do the type studies and sketches so I do expect to see them.