Monday, January 23, 2012

typography 2 homework

(it's a quick read, do it)
Define: sign, index, symbol. Find an example of each both verbal and visual

Study: Chip Kidd
(there are lots, scroll though, examine)


The following should be presented in a PDF format. Start an InDesign File and add the following to it. Design it in a clear, legible way. Make a folder keep all your images in it. Keep your InDesign File with it.

Page one: your name, semester, class, project

Next pages put this info...

Book Choice:
THE book you are going to redesign
01) title of the book
02) author (short bio)
03) other books by the same other
04) short synopsis / plot / summary / other important info on the book
05) what is the feeling of the book (descriptive words at least 12)
---------3 of the next 5--------------
06) what is the message?
07) protagonist does...
08) antagonist does...
09) 1 - 3 quote(s) from a character(s)
10) why did you pick this book to redesign?

Style Reference: Looking through online book cover examples (below), find at least 4 examples of each. Look for type only and type and image examples. All examples should be ones that you think fit the category and themes you find interesting. Don't just pick. Be considerate. There isn't really a wrong answer.

Create 10 Tone Graphs (use examples and create your own)
1) traditional / contemporary
2) futuristic / vintage
3) serious / playful

Create Associated Word List
At least 50 descriptive words, the list goes on and on, a free flow of words. how are the books supposed to feel, mood, express: cloudy, misty, gray, dark, mysterious, shadows, broken glass, rough, ... 

Define the words you find most fitting or important.

To Suggest list: what should the look and feel of the bookcover series suggest. 6 - 12 bullet points. for more information go to this page.
-- a sense of suspense
-- a sense of doom and gloom
-- a feeling of the 1930's
-- film noir
-- etc...


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