Monday, January 30, 2012

type 02 homework

typography 02 homework
DUE Monday February 1

Evaluate the imagery you brought in for Monday's class and identify the visual strategies you see in them. Then find great 3 bookcover examples for each. For instance: 

Sourcing classic paintings + modern type = contemporary, fresh


 Combining two very different images to illustrate a concept


After you have identified two to three of the visual strategies in your imagery and concept, please create 5-10 computer sketches for each direction. These sketches should be much more refined at this point—choose appropriate typefaces and make them look GOOD. Include all relevant information, such as Title, Author, any need Subtext (see example above), Publisher—whatever makes this look legitimate and professional. 

Please have these printed for class, along with your chosen concept statement and whichever bookcovers you used for inspiration. 



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